Rev Dr David Wong
In his 45 years of ministry Rev Dr David Wong has pastored churches, taught in theological schools, and trained leaders from over 100 nations. Lyricist to six musicals and author of over 20 books, he and his wife are blessed with two married daughters and four grandchildren.
Currently, he serves as General Secretary of BPCIS, a Presbytery of 11 BP churches.
Lighthouse Mentors
The Youth Program will be self-led by Rev Ron Tan and the Lighthouse mentors to provide personal mentorship and build close relationship with the youths at this year's church camp.

Ps Chia Mei Ling
香港建道神学院 神学硕士
Lecturer of Seminary in Creative Access Nations
Guest Speaker of Tyrannus Online Seminary in Malaysia
Master of Theology (Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary)
Scripture Union
Scripture Union Singapore seeks to engage children and young people to experience God daily through His Word and empower them to serve. The SU Holiday Trek Programme is a fun-filled programme designed specifically for children will bring the Word to the children through exciting games and activities. This will be run by Scripture Union Singapore’s Children’s Ministry staff and volunteers.